You know you are an event planner if . . .
- Your five-year-old knows what an RFP is
- You forget to take in the moment at your friend's wedding because you are calculating what they spent
- You wear your gym shoes with your business suit
- You have more cups of coffee than hours of of sleep per 24 hour period
- You talk to your vendors more often than you talk to your mother
- Your dining room table is a showroom of logo branded mugs, planners, note pads, tote bags . . .
- You'd be willing to sift through a landfill to find your missing checklist
- Family fun time is filling out name badges
- You can open doors and turn off lights with your toes because your hands are always full
- You chose peanut M&Ms from the vending machine as your dinner because of the protein
- You excused yourself from the table on a date to check out the special event space
- You own at least 12 Sharpie pens
- You elope for your own wedding
- You ask your family if they want chicken, beef, or fish for dinner
- You hate people with food allergies
- You are reading this article while eating dinner, watching TV and checking your email
Wishing you the best this event season!