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Gracie & Lacy Perform in Charleston!

CHARLESTON, SC - With rave reviews in New York City (Cabaret Scenes Magazine), and hailed as "one of the most celebrated teams” in the Lowcountry (Lowcountry Today), Charleston sisters Gracie & Lacy will perform their signature tight harmonies to classic and rare holiday hits this Dec. 9th and 10th at the Forever Charleston Theatre, located inside the Visitor Center. Rumor has it they are polishing up their golden tap shoes and planning a dazzling array of vintage-inspired costumes. In keeping with their tradition to showcase local talent, dance duo Tanya and Tucker of Georgetown will make a special appearance. For those wondering about the tale of Charleston’s first Christmas tree or the Christmas carolers who became world-renown jazz legends, you’ll have to wait and see the show!

Tickets: or 800-838-3006

Gracie & Lacy ’s project was funded in part by the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs and the City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Program through their joint administration of the Lowcountry Quarterly Arts Grant Program and the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment For The Arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of S C.

Gracie & Lacy - Christmas Show 2018

PHOTO: Gracie Left, Lacy Right - SSL Entertainment

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