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Easy Stage Decor - Beautiful Windows

Christmas Set Stage Windows Tree Gracie & Lacy Show

Now that you have created your Easy Christmas Tree (see previous post) it's time to get that "Home For Christmas" feeling with these easy breezy stage windows!

For Two Windows, You Will Need:

- Four rolls of white, cloth medical tape

- Two complete Pipe & Drape sets (4 bases, 4 posts, 2 cross pieces)

- Four Curtain panels - we used Premier Red Drape made for pipe & drape units

- Tie backs - we used stretchy gold headbands from a dollar store

- Two Valences (optional) - we used inexpensive gold window treatments from Wal-Mart

- Safety pins

- Four black wreath hangers (cheap and bendable)

- Two wreaths decorated as desired


Assemble pipe and drape units, thread the curtains and attach valance and tiebacks with safety pins.

Mark 1' increments with masking tape on the vertical pipes.

Run lengths of tape side to side using your masking tape marks to keep them even.

Attach the two vertical tape lines starting at the top horizontal tape. Let gravity and the weight of the tape roll allow it to hang straight down. Lightly press the tape together at all the intersections, and secure the bottom of the tape to the floor.


My wreath hangers were too short, so I bent one end straight and taped two together.

The electric wreath light wire ran from the side, directly behind the curtain swag, and was taped to the vertical pole. You might experiment with battery operated lights.


We did all of our measuring and marking in the studio before loading into the theaters to save time. Make sure you mark the stage exactly where you want the windows as they are hard to move without ruining the tape panes. Also, don't forget to steam your fabric!

SSL Entertainment manages corporate / theatrical entertainers "Gracie & Lacy" and the "Legends Swing Band." For more information:

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